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Monday, March 12, 2012

CD Replication, a Professional Copying Way

CD Replication is the professional and original process of making CDs that basically replicate or clone the real master copy. It is also known as CD Pressing, CD Molding or bulk copying. Fundamentally, CD replication is preferably suitable for commercial use. It offers a high quality, rapid and reliable way of replicating data at maximum readability level.

You will find a number of companies in the UK offering CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc bulk copying services. However, not all may be able to provide great quality services and not all may be ISO certified. The more professional ones can fulfil orders of 500 to millions copies of discs, which are configured through multipage Digipak Technique.

CD Molding needs to go through a unique procedure in order to make copies of data. First of all from the original copy, a Glass Master is created which aid in making bulk of exact Molding. From this glass master Stampers or Molds are formed. The stampers behave like blueprints for the bulk copying and use high-tech injection mold machine to make accurate copies of the master copy in the figure of 120mm plastic disc. The created disc is then coated with a reflective aluminum layer. At the end the disc is sealed with a protective lacquer toughened by ultraviolet light rays.

In addition, Molding/Pressing also includes label and packaging to give a professional look to CDs that is why it is often referred to as Professional CD Burning. As the CD Pressing process is completely automated so it requires a bit expensive start up cost and low per unit cost and is proficient to make volumes of at least 1000 units. In other ways, CD Molding is generally used for large amounts of data and can make nearly $1.00 each per disc cost.

The turnaround time for CD Molding is 10-14 days because it needs to add some necessary steps for it completion. The whole procedure is a definite process and prevents factors like pollen and dust etc to maintain quality of exact copies. Disc Pressing ensures reliable copies of data up to the standard.

Sometimes, both the CD Replication/Molding and CD Duplication are used interchangeably but there are few technical differences which makes them dissimilar. The former is meant for commercial use whereas CD duplication is used for personal usage. CD duplication needs individual discs for data burning while CD Molding is a specialized way to make copies of discs via master copy.

In order to produce high volume of data its ideal to go for CD Molding i.e. more than 1,000 discs and for less than 1,000 CDs, CD duplication is a better option. Pressing/Molding of CDs requires 10-14 days for its complete process while CD duplication requires 3-5 days for its process. CD burning is a tiresome process while CD pressing is clearly a quick and more perfect process.

Whether the choice is Molding or duplication, the end product works in a same way. They only differ when we talk about the turnover time and quantity instead of quality. However, CD replication may produce CDs with more professional quality.

Linux or Windows? Which is the best web hosting service to choose?

To emphasis on “Managed Hosting”, mostly users look for either to choose Windows or else Linux Web Hosting. A web hosting is a kind of Internet multitude service that permits organizations and individuals to give World Wide Web entrance to their websites. If we need to use active scripting web contents like E-Commerce web application, forums or blogs then we are obliged to select the web congregation platforms according to our needs. 

The question either which web hosting service is the best to choose depends on following aspects. Whenever any website is launch over windows operating system, known as Windows Hosting. This swarming is preferable for websites that make use of particular applications e.g. ASP.NET, ASP, FrontPage, MSSQL, MS Access, Streaming Media, Expression Web or any other Microsoft proprietary technologies.

Linux is famous for its flexibility and user friendly interface. It is best suited for Network Server Platform. Due to compatibility and Network Server Platform, it has gained much popularity over other standards. Conventionally, applications scripted using MySQL and PHP sprint under this machine services.

Linux is an unlock sourced proposal and its web hording is more affordable with little or no concerning licensing fees. In contrast,leading companies finds it expensive to get licenses to run Windows machine. And so, there exist a price disproportion in both these machines. Windows crowding services including software packages and products includes an associated licensing fee that leading company must pay.

There is one key fallacy that if one can have Windows installed in computer then he needs to have Windows based web hosting. Although a computer’s operating system can be different from operating system of one’s web hosting account. Like for instance if a website holds merely static web pages like having HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), then it could run on both the hosting servers. 

One important difference between the two platform files is that Linux files are case-sensitive while Windows files are case insensitive. For example, on Linux server, and are two distinct links. But domain name can be either lower or upper case. On other side on a later machine, index.html and Index.html both are considered one and the identical name.

Both of the proposals have gained great features which aid in developing web applications. Other than that there are large number of PHP open source or free software which is based on Linux policy including Joomla, Drupal, WordPress and Zen Cart etc. Linux always perform better than Windows platform with respect to web hosting at Operating System stage. Therefore, developers easily find free softwares to quickly start their websites.

Several users and hosting providers bicker that Linux hosting once-overs are more even and provide more security comparative to Windows hosting. Nevertheless, the strength and security of the web commerce services are dependent on the server administrator instead of platform. Hence to choose “Managed Hosting” is just a matter of inclination.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Top Five E-Marketing Issues of Today

E-Marketing is a process of buying and selling that involves a marketing principles and techniques through electronic media like Web, Database, E-mail and Wireless to valuably acquire and retain customers.
E-Marketing, Online marketing and Internet marketing, all are same and are used interchangeably.

E-Marketing comprises of both indirect marketing elements and direct response and uses an array of technologies that help customers and their businesses to connect with.
Top Five Issues of E-Marketing Today: 

1. Categorizing  & Resourcing for E-Marketing:
As the magnitude of online conduits is going to increase day by day, the formation of marketing organization and accountabilities may need to modify in order to avail opportunities via new media at optimum level. For

this we need to develop e-marketing specific skills within the marketing team. 

2.Emphasis on Customer Relationship Management & Personalization:
The Internet proposes many prospects for an improved understanding of customer’s relation and for developing and maintaining a closer relationship with them. Customer relationship management and personalization systems permit the collection and application of comprehensive information to create such an environment which is according to the needs and wants of customers. Although the potential for such systems is considerable, they are difficult and tricky to implement and if not professionally managed, they can lead to the abuse of consumer privacy. Companies may need to improve their customer knowledge about customer value & satisfaction, their profiles and behaviors and then delivering targeted communications and online services that go with their individual needs. In short require e-marketing automation to develop personalized marketing memos delivered by web and e-mail in retort to customer events and behaviors.

Here another issue is phishing, which is the process of sending deceptive information that emerge to come from a trusted, valid source and request personal information for the purpose of committing identity theft. Phishing messages may often come from financial firms, like from any bank and may direct viewers to an authentic looking website to trap them into giving personal information including passwords & account numbers. This is a big and major issue and companies and consumers need to be cautious and aware of all these threats to confidential information.

To maintain customer relationship management and personalization following aspects should be keep in mind to assist in preventing e-crime so consumers may not suffer from it. 
  •  Develop and keep up appropriate system failure methods
  •  Review and inspect security violation reports 
  •  Change password on regular basis
  •  Appraisals of quality work and develop a sound system of controlling and access  to data 
  •  Do not share identification numbers and passwords
  •  Ensure physical security of equipment and storage devices
  •  Install firewall
  •  Do not automatically tell any sort of information to persons who have solicited contact with you, without checking their credentials 
 3. Need to define proper Online Value Proposition (OVP):
    A distinctive and detailed differential proposition must be developed after complete research for online channels (web, wireless, e-mail) to achieve increased customer usage and this proposition must be clearly communicated.

    Here we need to practically emphasis on 4p’s of marketing mix strategy i.e.
    Product, Price, Place and Promotion so we can research customer’s needs and developing appropriate products, offer differential prices, place products specifications on their websites and promote them through different channels to inform customers of the benefits of a product and assist in different stages of the buying process.

    4. Easy to use purchase process:
    Large number of consumers does not prefer making attempts to purchase online because of inadequately designed purchasing process. So the process must be user friendly and reliable. It would be very helpful to tell customers in a chronological order, how many steps they have to be followed in purchasing process. And that all steps information should be clearly displayed at the top of web page.  A paradigm of the purchase steps are: 
    Shopping cart->Account->Shipping->Payment->Verification->Confirm Notification.

    5. Lack of E-channel Optimization:
    There is no proper platform where e-channel process can be enhancing to improve e-marketing and there is a need to adopt such procedures for continuous improvement and monitoring the effectiveness of web and e-mail marketing.

    To improve e-marketing effectiveness we must define the data that needs to be collected to improve the performance of online marketing.Companies should ensure that the data collected covers all aspects of e-marketing   performance.  Here few aspects are important like Business contribution that the online contribution either direct or indirect is costly or having profit in it. Then pay heed on Marketing outcomes that at what proportion   of sales, service contacts occur online and how effective is e-marketing at converting, acquiring and retaining customers.  

    Then comes the different promotional tools such as search engines, direct marketing,  email, and advertising at driving quality over the website.Measures include efficiency, cost of acquisition, attraction and integration of tools.

    For optimum e-channel few analysis tools are required to implement like Reporting of marketing performance tools, are develop for assessing serve load and do not always readily answer the questions marketers have. Then Analysis tools that focuses on how well different e-communications campaigns can be tagged and measured

    Testing Programmes should be adopt to improve e-marketing by first see the sales level, profit, reduced sales cycle, Return on Investment( ROI), sales conversion rates, order size, order delivered, customer acquisition cost and then generate report.

    Key Words:
    Online Marketing, Internet Marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), E-Channel, Services, Sale

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    How to Get Proper Motivation and Set Goals

    Motivation refers to a dynamic motivating act, which stalks from within oneself. It is an “inner striving state, which triggers or moves individual into action and persists him in the course of action passionately”. Thus, motivation is defined as an inner state that activates, energizes or moves behavior towards goals.

    Motivational Tip: Once you start setting and achieving goals, you'll find the energy you need to keep going. It's a law of physics: a body in motion stays in motion.

    Goal involves establishing particular, assessable, realistic, and practical and time oriented objectives. One difference which is important to mention here is that goals are normally set to be attain in a short period of time but objectives are set for long end results. By following and achieving goals one can meet his objectives in a positive way.

    Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life 
    * Les Brown

    To get Motivation and set Goals:

    Set a Plan:
    By setting goals for yourself, you have taken your spacious dreams and ambitions and laid down a solid plan of action to help you achieve that step.

    Make a proper plan for your study and homework time in a way that first organize you work, then how much time is to be required per subject work, learning and
    writing in a quality oriented way, after which work you need a break for sometimes. By following a plan that would be easy for you to get motivated again and achieve your goals.

    Set an Environment:
    As far as homework and study is concerned one should motivate him to do that work in an enjoyable way and set goals that in particular time span he has to complete his work. Set a time on timer and try to work in that time span. If you have a number of small assignments and one major assignment to work on, doing the small ones first will make it seem like you are making progress faster.

    Vision to do Work:
    Don’t try to do everything at once. Limit your goals to follow one at a time. Create a vision what you have to do according to plan. Find a way to turn your homework assignments into something that interests you.  If you have a choice of topics, choose something you've always wanted to learn about.  If you have to do computer homework, think about how you could use it when you want to become an interior designer.  If you are researching Chicago and your interest is in wildlife, find out what sort of tigers found in Chicago jungles.

    Vision animates, inspires, transform purpose into action
    * Warren Bennis

    Public Goals:
    Try to make your goals unrestricted. Tell those close to you what your goal is and that you want their comments and support as you work toward your set goals. Ask them to ask about your progress.

    Arrange a Get Together:
    Arrange to get together with a buddy to do homework.  Meet a study buddy in a chat room to work through material you are both studying.  They're counting on you as much as you're counting on them, so you can't let them down.

    Set Reward for Work:
    Use rewards to score your progress.  You could permit yourself to go to a movie on Saturday night if you get your Science project completed by then, or you could take a snack break once you get the first twenty Algebra questions finished.

    The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more 
    *Dr. Jonas Salk

    Breakdown of Goals:
    Break down your goal into manageable small goals. Get support of your parents in
    how to organize your plan to accomplish your target. Start by setting goals you know you can attain easily.  For instance, a goal such as getting straight A's on your next report card would be nice.

    Continuous Practice:
    Try to practice again and again but don’t overdo.  An object in motion tends to stay in motion. So keep trying to accomplish your set goals

    Avoid Procrastination:
    Try to avoid procrastination. Make consistent effort a routine practice. However, if you miss practice, excuse yourself and then start again

    Progress Evaluation:
    Evaluate your progress toward your set goals and be flexible. Take help from your elders to properly evaluate your progress. And then see is some improvement and refinement required?

    Improve Self-Confidence:
    Improve your self-confidence and motivation. When you set goals for yourself and succeed in accomplishing them, you feel good about yourself and become more enthused to take your goals to the next level.

    Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks on great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself

    Reduce Stress:
    Try to reduce the stress in your life. When life tosses a wrench in your plans, your positive mindset will help you understand that such obstacles s are transitory in nature. Plus you will know how to set the necessary goals to overcome the hurdles.

    Homework Checklist:
    If you have any problem to complete assignments by due date, or if you forget to take your completed work with you to school, you should use a checklist which will help in arranging your homework habits

    Students who are always on time are the students who make the best grades, win scholarships and get into well reputed colleges. In the working world, the people who are always on time are the people who get promotions.

    Key Words:  Goal, Motivation, Plan, Vision, Work, Reward, Practice, Progress, Evaluation, Stress, Checklist, Self-Confidence

    Saturday, October 23, 2010

    ZONG --- 2010



                  In year 2008, Wang Jianzhou, CEO of China Mobile is anticipating that the new brand is not only a brand of the Pakistan branch, but also an international brand for China Mobile, which aims to provide communication among societies. MR. Liu LiDong, Director PMO states, “We are not just mobile operators but information providers for society”.

                 The central idea behind this step is to provide optimized network coverage across wide range.  The combination of continued rapid growth in Pakistan's economy, rising consumer purchasing power and the acceleration of informatization throughout the country is driving a tremendous demand for communications and information services.

    Irrespective of competitive edge the company wants to maintain strong relationship with customers by providing value added services. While elaborating market penetration strategies, Mr Jianzhou suggested introduction of more value-added services, like mobile TV, mobile music, news, billing for subscribers specially the young population.


    China Mobile Communications Corporation also known as China Mobile or CMCC, officially established on April 20th, 2000,is the largest mobile phone operator in China. It is the world's largest mobile phone operator ranked by number of subscribers, with over 380 million customers.
                China Mobile is the largest company registered in Hong Kong and it is headquartered on Queen's Road. It is also the largest market capital company listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
    After many years of efforts, the company has established a comprehensive network with large coverage, high quality, rich variety of businesses and first-class customer services. It ranks the first in the world in terms of the network scale and the customer base.

    China Mobile has successfully attracted investment from the international capital market with its sound performance and great development potential. Being included in the Fortune Top 500 for 5 consecutive yeas, the firm's latest ranking is No.224.It also ranks the 4th and 2nd in the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises in terms of its overall strength and service provision respectively by the China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association in 2005.

              Looking forward, the company defines its strategic goal of "becoming a worldwide leader in the telecommunications world and achieving leapfrog evolution from excellence to preeminence”.

             In 2006, by seizing favorable market opportunities, the Group further expanded its subscriber base, implemented brand management, enhanced sales and marketing efficiency and innovated its business models.

             The Group placed emphasis on developing its core competencies for its future development, on maximizing the growth potentials of new customers, value-added business and voice usage volume and on building a low-cost and effective business model in the rural areas. These have greatly enhanced the Group's operational results and led to a rapid, sustainable, steady and harmonious development of the business.

    Annual Growth Rate

    End of 2006, Group’s subscriber: 301.232 million
    22.1%(nearly half of the growth was from the rural areas)
    Aggregate usage volume: 1,252.15 billion minutes
    No. of value-added business users: 270.384 million                                                
    SMS usage volume 353.38 billion messages
    Revenue from value-added business: RMB69.309 billion
    Revenue from value-added business accounted: 23.5 percent of Group's operating revenue
    Increase of 2.9% points from 2005.

    CMPak or Paktel Limited:

    CMPak or Paktel Limited formed in 1990 is a 100% subsidiary of China Mobile. The pioneering oversea setup of China Mobile came through acquisition from a license from Millicon to operate a GSM network in Pakistan. granted license to carry out cellular phone services in Pakistan, set up by Cable & Wireless. 7 Millicom Corporation, owners of Instaphone, sold Paktel for $284 million to China Telecom.
    It has invested more than US$ 700 million in the telecom sector in Pakistan and an additional US$ 800 million will be invested till the end of year 2008. The company’s edge comes from the experience and expertise of running the world's largest telecom service and the commitment they make to setting quality and customer relations standards.

                  It is determined to make its mark in the Pakistani market and to change the way people communicate. It market its products under the brand name "ZONG"

                Zong is the first International brand of China Mobile being launched in Pakistan on April5, 2008. It is meant to empower and liberate the people of Pakistan in every nook and corner of the country.
                 The core essence of ZONG is to allow people to communicate at will without worrying about tariffs, network coverage, capacity issues or congestion. It will be supported by groundbreaking communications, trend setting customer service and an unmatched product offering, which will redefine rules of the game and establish ZONG as a serious contender for the number one spot.

                  The brand would offer its customers with entertaining & innovative value added services and will empower them by giving a wide variety of products & services.



               Zong campaign has taken a fresh, bold and humorous approach to marketing. Its advertisements reveal both the culture of country and feelings of customers. It uses comparative sales and marketing approaches across multiple customer groups. Within each area the sales and marketing force are divided among various customer groups to meet their specific needs.
    Customer Service

                “The beacon of Zongs’s impression and torch bearers of a new era in customer interaction, taking customer service into a portal of customer excitement. These are the doors to Zong’s first and foremost realization of its promise to excite customers with a new trend in service. Setting the tone and ambiance which is second only to your home, these are Zong’s arms across the country to welcome everyone to experience the comfort when a true promise is fulfilled.”

    In order to gain customer attention it has offered amazing and attractive packages.
    With ambitious plans to cater to the fastest growing Pakistani market and to win over the ever-demanding Pakistani customer, Zong is trying to offer unprecedented coverage. Zong don’t want to be a price killer but focus on providing differentiated plus Value Added Services (VAS). Currently the firm has generated 28% of revenue in the market.

    Human Resource:

                Like other organizations, Zong’ s productivity and performance is based on strong workforce, The Human Resources (HR) Department develops initiatives and provides strategic support to top management with regard to human resources policy.
    Main areas of responsibility include manpower planning, organizational development, employment and association conditions, recruitment, job classification and salary administration, performance appraisal, advancement, internal mobility, training and development, social services, social security, working conditions, settlement of disputes and relations with the personnel.
    Infact, they are serving as one of the most valued and respected departments in the organization; their job is people, and people are the company's most important asset.


    Zong has implemented GSM and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) technologies to provide data transmission technology for high-speed transfer of large amount of information (voice & data services) across mobile networks. For this It emphasis on the need of optimized network coverage for efficient communication.


                Finance Department is responsible for handling all financial matters in the environment of Zong.All these activities are in compliance with Financial Rules and Regulations. The department plays an important role in the decision-making purposes to assist management in the definition of policy and in the running of the organization.

    It aims to provide the internal and external users of financial statements with timely accurate and relevant information. Furthermore, it also ensures that the necessary financial control is adhered to in order to safeguard the assets of the organization.


    Policies Updation:

    In organizational culture of Zong, Policies is updated whenever required or a new issue is faced. Meetings are arranged and a circular is issued to inform others about that change. The Company’s Long-term strategic issues depends on the results of strategies being implemented.

    Social Responsibility:                     
               After Oct.8th, 2006 earthquake China Mobile has put considerations for the reestablishment of educational institutions in AJK. Now ZONG has planned to actively participate in the projects of society welfare.

    Communication Gap:

               Zong wants to constitute a successful working environment and a strong base of communication in an organization so there would be no communication gap between management and employees.


               In order to run in dynamic environment Zong has specifically pay heed on innovative ideas to provide the best of their services to consumers. But side-by-side they are facing difficulties to implement Fibre Network because of high installation cost and lack of resources. There is a need for more customer services channels and call centers to provide maintained & improved level of customer services.


    Current and potential competitors in telecom sector include local operators that are providing services prior to Zong. Several of these companies have a strong market presence, brand recognition and strong customer relationships. All these factors derive market competition and infact all of them are in highly competitive climate. 


    ZONG’S one of the largest competitor is Mobilink. Its a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, started its operations in 1994, and has become the market leader both in terms of growth as well as having the largest customer subscriber base in Pakistan - a base of over 30 million and growing. They are providing state-of-the-art communication solutions to the customers.

    It offers exclusively designed tariff plans that cater to the communication needs of a diverse group of people, from individuals to businessmen to corporates and multinationals. Both the postpaid (Indigo) and prepaid (JAZZ) brands are the largest brands of their kind in the Pakistan cellular industry.

    In addition to providing advanced voice communication services that makes the lives of millions that much easy, it also offers a host of value-added-services to customers. Mobilink places high importance to its coverage in almost 8000+ cities and towns nationwide as well as over 120 countries on international roaming service.


                Ufone (Established in 2001) is also a cellular operator. Despite the stiff competition in Pakistan telecom market which has led to reduction of prices to bare minimum level, due to its aggressive policies and exercising strict control over expenses the Company managed to improve its revenue and after-tax profit by 87% and 54% respectively.

                It provides services with wider coverage, superior connectivity, clear signals & voice quality. Covering over 3475 key destinations it allows seamless roaming through the network providing the best nationwide coverage.

    Ufone, being one of the leading cellular service provider has recently launched its service in many new cities. Keeping up with its pace it is rapidly expanding its network. It  keeps on adding new cities with same superior network that continues to expand.


    Warid Telecom is the fastest growing GSM mobile company in Pakistan with over 13 million subscribers and coverage in more than 245 cities all over Pakistan. As per company policy, Warid Telecom's cities are only included as a coverage destination when cell sites along with a fully functional sales and service center or franchise is operational in the area. This results in premium connectivity and the optimal experience for users.
    Telenor Pakistan launched its operations in March 2005 as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further foreign investments in the telecom sector. The company has covered several milestones over the past twenty eight months and grown in a number of directions, grown to become a leading telecom operator in the country. In fiscal year 2006, they achieved nearly 200% growth in subscriber base – the highest in the industry by a wide margin.

    Its the fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage reaching deep into many of the remotest areas of Pakistan. In the most difficult terrains of the country, from the hilly northern areas to the sprawling deserts in the south.

    Its keeps on moving ahead by investing heavily in infrastructure expansion.
    It is spread across Pakistan, creating 2,200 direct and 20,000-plus indirect employment opportunities. They have a network of 15 company-owned sales and service centers, more than 200 franchisees and some 100,000 retail outlets.


    Zong has payed high taxes (per activation require Rs.500) due to Government regulations and policies. Day by day market strategies are varying where regulation in telecom services, directly affect commercial and bilateral relationships of partner countries.

    On the other hand, it is striving hard to understand consumer psyche as they are key target of the company. Infact, due to lack of transmission resources company is facing hurdles at the first step but being optimistic it is much focused on future. One of the main hindrance is an electricity shortage. The operations are getting effected due to these shortcomings; somehow, it’s on the way of prosperity.

    Pakistan’s Economy:

     Pakistan is a nation with a diverse economy that include agriculture, textiles, chemicals, food processing and other industries. The economy has suffered in the past due to internal political instability, mixed levels of foreign investment, orbitrary and non transparent applications of government regulations, inadequate infrastructure, and a costly, ongoing confrontation with neighboring India.

                GDP growth, spurred by gains in the industrial and service sectors, remained in the 6-8% range in 2004-06. In 2008 estimated GDP  growth rate is 6.9% .Inflation remains the biggest threat to the economy, jumping to more than 9% in 2005 & 7.9% in 2006. These economic factors has strongly influenced on consumers and business. Consumers buying power got confused because of the economic challenges that the coutry faces


    According to customers Zong has great potential in the market if it adopts a flexible and clear policy in cost and ensures quality services to the customers. Any hidden charges/rates should be discouraged and customers should be kept aware and inform of all facilities and their rates. They are expecting more from ZONG than other cellular companies.
    Customers are aware of Zong’s motive to resolve the complain instead of competing other mobile companies. It also seems to be the embassadar of China-Pakistan friendship. 


    Describing future plans of Zong, the Company’s CEO said, “Pakistan is the right choice for international expansion and we will continue to improve and strengthen our network and our future investments will depend on our financial performances.”
    TopAs investors, he highlighted, “We will be investing another $800 million and hope we can get preferential policy as foreign investors.”

    Zong will focus on innovations and new business model development. It will direct itself towards the next generation mobile telecommunications network and technology, including close monitoring and tracking. The firm is looking for highest position in market by opening new channels & improving network quality with larger coverage areas. They are also planning for network expansion programs for swift communication.